Constitution Day Roses

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Constitution Day Roses

Wednesday, September 17, 2025 8:30 am

This Constitution Day, show your support for the U.S. Constitution by making a donation to the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site.

Your rose (or roses!) will be added with your name to the Charters of Freedom display at the Presidential Site on September 17th. This custom setting, featuring your founding documents, is hewed out of Indiana limestone and on permanent display in bronze in the Sarah Evans Barker Citizenship Plaza at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site’s Johnson-Floyd Presidential Commons.

With your gift, you can choose to either personally lay your rose on the Presidential Site’s limestone and bronze U.S. Constitution on Monday, September 16th, or Presidential Site staff can do so on your behalf on the 16th—in your name, or in honor (or in memory) of a friend, family member, veteran, or founder you admire.

Your support will help the Presidential Site encourage public participation in our American system of self-government, and advance history and civics education for all ages.


Give a Rose!

“The manner by which women are treated is a good criterion to judge the true state of society.” Benjamin Harrison

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