Students in middle school, we have a mission for you, starting Election Day, 2024.


Why 46 in 45?

Since the founding of our nation, there have been nearly half a billion American citizens. Of those, over 12,000 of us have served in Congress. Just 115 have become Supreme Court Justices. Only 45 citizens have become President of the United States. There’s something exceptional about each POTUS — good, bad, or otherwise. Project POTUS? challenges students in middle school to research an American president and create a video, 60 seconds or less, representing the POTUS chosen in a way that is creative, supported by good history research, and fun.

Videos submitted to our national contest via the Project POTUS Judgify page will be reviewed by a qualified panel of Citizen Jurors, who will help to select winning submissions to receive scholarship awards. Winning projects will also be featured in a Project POTUS compilation video, “Project POTUS: 46 in 45,” which will be posted in May 2024. Those curious about the Citizen Juror volunteer role, which will require a few hours of time in Spring 2024, should reach out to expressing interest.

The third annual contest opens for submissions on
Election Day, November 5 2024, and closes at 11:59pm on Presidents Day, February 17 2025. Awards information and winning videos will be posted at this page on May 1, 2025. 

Roll the tape on the introduction video to start your mission, and read the Project POTUS mission briefs for further project instructions. Teachers who pre-register HERE before January 1, 2024 are eligible for a special classroom gift from Project POTUS HQ.

Submit your Project

Steps to Complete your Project

  1. Watch the Project POTUS introduction video and read the mission briefs for project guidelines. Check out some examples of past student winners HERE.
  2. Research the president you’ve chosen, making sure to keep a list of your sources. Find one or more primary sources and cite them in your final video somehow. For research tips and suggestions for great history websites for presidential research, click HERE.
  3. Create your video, using accurate history content and lots of creativity! Use any program, app, or website to create your video.
  4. Review the contest rules for Project POTUS 2023-4 to make sure your video is eligible for awards. Check your video for grammar and spelling errors before submitting to the contest, and pay attention to your audio and image quality!
  5. Submit your project HERE, via the Project POTUS 2023-4 page on the Judgify website.
  6. Join the Project POTUS email list below for contest updates, and check back for results in May 2024!


With any inquiries, contact Molly Beausir,
Russell and Penny Fortune Project POTUS Presidential Fellow,

Congratulations to our 2024 student winners!

See all Videos
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