Haunted States of America
By: James Trofatter
October 2022, visit the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site to experience Candlelight Theatre’s newest haunted offering, The Haunted States of America, by James Trofatter!
Indianapolis is the Crossroads of America. This is also true for the spirits on the other side of the veil. For them, Indianapolis is a key location where spectral lines of energy overlap making it a central location on the haunted superhighway that runs the gamut of the afterlife. Ghosts have come from all corners of the United States to haunt the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site – from Boston to New Orleans, from the shores of the Pacific Ocean and back again to Indianapolis. No part of the country has been left bereft of their ghosts who think Indy is the place to be at Halloween. Come test your nerve as you walk among these spirits of the United States.
Want a haunting event your friends and family will talk about in the after life? We want to accommodate your group so please reach out to the Special Events and Marketing Manager: (317) 631-1888 or events@bhpsite.org. to discuss room buy-out options!
Guests will travel from room to room enjoying performances throughout the National Historic Landmark home of President Benjamin Harrison, including up and down two flights of narrow stairs (elevator assistance is available).
We recommend this performance for children age 10 and up due to the darkness of the home, length of the performance, and subject matter.
Please direct questions or concerns to the Special Events and Marketing Manager: (317) 631-1888 or events@bhpsite.org.
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“The emancipation proclamation was heard in the depths of the earth as well as in the sky; men were made free, and material things became our better servants.” Benjamin Harrison
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Museum CLOSED Dec. 31st thru Jan. 19th. Reopening for tours Jan. 20th!
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