I Voted Sticker

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I Voted Sticker

Election Day is Tuesday November 8, 2022.  From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on November 8, if you are a Marion County registered voter come and cast your vote and pick up an “I Voted” sticker at the Presidential Site [1230 North Delaware Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202]! If you can’t make it here, the Presidential Site is also providing a print-at-home sticker file here. Share your photos with the #ivotedwithharrison.

The spirit of public participation in the American system of self-government and the legacy of America’s Hoosier president – who opened Ellis Island, commissioned the Pledge of Allegiance and was a strong advocate for African-American voting rights – informs all of our outreach, programs and events. We encourage all voters to take part in their local elections—and to show their commitment to, and support of, ensuring fair and free elections. Wear your voting sticker with pride!

“Independency of thought is the first requisite of the responsible citizen.” Benjamin Harrison

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Museum CLOSED Dec. 31st thru Jan. 19th. Reopening for tours Jan. 20th!


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