Mark your calendars and bring the whole family to the annual Presidential Egg Roll — the only egg roll in Indy!
This lively, family-friendly event will take place Saturday, April 12, from 9–10:30 a.m. on the beautiful grounds of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Enjoy a morning filled with crafts, games, prizes, and delicious food!
Activities Include:
Delicious Treats:
Enjoy egg-based foods prepared by our partner, Second Helpings, and warm up with hot chocolate and coffee provided by our Volunteer Association. The deliciousness doesn’t end there – at the end of the event, each family will also receive a dozen eggs courtesy of our generous presenting sponsor, HATCH + Indiana State Poultry Association!
Additional Details:
Make this spring unforgettable with a fun-filled morning of family activities and community spirit. We can’t wait to see you there!
Reserve Your Spot“When and under what conditions is the black man to have a free ballot? When is he in fact to have those full civil rights which have so long been his in law?” Benjamin Harrison
Share the life stories, arts and culture of your 23rd President
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Support a legacy.
Museum CLOSED Dec. 31st thru Jan. 19th. Reopening for tours Jan. 20th!
Thank you for being an important part of the Presidential Site and sharing a legacy in action!