Residential to Presidential: 150 Years with the Harrisons

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Residential to Presidential: 150 Years with the Harrisons

“My house will always open its doors gladly to any of you when you may desire to see me.” -Benjamin Harrison, June 25, 1888

When Benjamin Harrison uttered those words to nearly 8,000 of his fellow citizens from the front steps of his home, he could not have known how true they would be. Nearly 150 years after it was constructed, the doors of his house remain open to any who may desire to learn more a bout the 23rd President of the United States of America.

The newest exhibit at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, Residential to Presidential, explores the history of the house, its residents, and its role as a museum. Join us for the grand opening of this exhibit on January 26, 2023 to learn about what it takes to make a house a home and what it takes to make a home a Presidential Site. The exhibit will be open to the public and be included with general admission from January 27 through November 1, 2023.

This exhibit is made possible through the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site’s New Century Curator collaboration with the IUPUI Museum Studies program. The initiative seeks to share the Presidential Site’s nationally significant collection in meaningful and relevant ways, while providing unique opportunities for emerging museum professionals to engage in collaborative training, hands-on experience, conservation, preservation, and innovative exhibit design.

“An American citizen could not be a good citizen who did not have a hope in his heart.” Benjamin Harrison

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Museum CLOSED Dec. 31st thru Jan. 19th. Reopening for tours Jan. 20th!


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