Framed Certificate New York Marine Society in wooden frame. Embellishments on frame: eagle at top center, rope knot in upper left corner, anchor and rope in lower right corner, bust of George Washington with leaf and berry design around Washington. Inner frame wooded frame is gold leaf and a shell in upper right and lighthouse on lower left. The outside edge of the frame is rope painted and linked chain design on inner part of outer frame. 9" x 12" certificate upper left corner is image of stylized Columbus with 3 ladies holding globe and map, upper right is scene of a ship wreak, Lower left is stylized Native American with arrow through skull and beaver, and bottom right is peaceful harbor scene. Gold seal at center of certificate. Certificate states: "New York No. 3074 / These are to Certify that Benjamin Harrison, The President of the United States . was by / a Majority of Votes regularly admitted a Member of the New / York Marine Society at a Meeting help the 8th day of / April A.D. 1889 Given under my Hand and the Seal / of the Society this 30th day of April Annoque Domini 1889. / George A. Dearborn, Sec. / Ambrose Snow, President". Marked "J. L. Winn Inv, et Delin, Morrison South Moorfield, London" at botton of print.
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