A heavy gray metal (silver or silver plated) and copper plaque from the city of Glenwood Springs, Colorado presented to Benjamin Harrison. The edge of the metal plaque has a fancy boarder and the corners are notched. In the center in copper (on top of base metal); "President" at top, then image of all-seeing eye or Eye of Providence with two small banners on either side "United" and "States", above a mountain range, below that is a pickaxe and hammer, then two small banners with "NIL SINE" and "HUMINE" ("Nothing without divine will." - motto of Colorado), then "Benjamin Harrison / and Party". To the left are images of a ram and bear above town or building scene. Bottom center: "The Freedom of the/ City of Glenwood Springs, Colo. / Is Cordially Extended." To the right is a large image of a deer buck with antlers above another town or building scene.
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