
Death in the White House

While occupying the highest office in the land, presidents are still subject to the circle of life. Out of 45 presidents in 46 administrations, eight Presidents and three First Ladies died while in office. This exhibit …

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Life in the White House

The White House has always been a combination of the “people’s house” and the home of the First Family. Every president and first lady have had to determine how they share the executive mansion with …

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9 Books About Benjamin Harrison (and Other Presidents)

By Alexis Price-Waddy January 26, 2023 Are you an avid reader? Trying to meet your Goodreads challenge for the year? Looking to expand your knowledge of Benjamin Harrison and other American presidents? Check out our recommended reading list …

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Giving Tuesday 2022: Thank you for helping us Give the Vision

Give The Vision is the second edition of what is now becoming a legacy of sustainable support for the leadership, education and community engagement events at the Presidential Site. This year we were able to achieve …

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Give the Vision 2022: Bousum Family Fun at the Presidential Site

By Ifeoma Akobi September 27, 2022 From information tours to the Juneteenth Foodways Festival, learn more about some of the Bousum family’s highlights from visiting the Presidential Site. Q: We would like to know you more. Please tell …

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Special Feature: 2022 Presidential Site Giving Tuesday 

In 2021, we conducted a successful Giving Tuesday campaign to celebrate how experiences live forever in our hearts. Together with a vibrant and generous community of 29 donors, we exceeded our target of $10,000 and …

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House with blue sky

Giving Tuesday

Since 1966, the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site has shared the legacy of 23rd U.S. President Benjamin Harrison with about 30,000 people annually. Through our #GivingTuesday campaign: we’re raising funds to expand the opportunities for more …

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Give the Experience 2021: Interview with David Ziemba

By Ifeoma Akobi  November 9. 2021Attorney and dad David Ziemba shares some of his most memorable experiences at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site and his expectations for the future.Q: It is a pleasure to feature you …

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Give the Experience 2021: Interview with Martha Buehner

By Ifeoma Akobi  October 19, 2021 Martha Buehner retired six years ago after teaching first grade for 53 years. Now, she and her husband regularly volunteer with the Presidential Site. Q: How did you got connected with the …

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Give the Experience 2021: Interview with Konye Ori

By Ifeoma Akobi  September 21, 2021 Konye Ori, director of the Women’s Health Service Line with IU Health, discusses his experience with the Presidential Site in this brief interview. Q: Please introduce yourself and give us a short …

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Teacher Feature: Butler University Professor Reminisces About 29 Presidential Site Visits

By Catherine Hagerman Pangan September 14, 2021 Eleven years ago when my son was in Kindergarten, he came home from a field trip and said, “Mom! You have to check out this amazing place we visited!” That …

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5 Things You’ll Learn on Our New Podcast

By Alexis Price July 2. 2020 You read that right. The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site has started a new podcast. Six Degrees of Benjamin Harrison relays stories of our 23rd president and reveals connections—to topics like immigration, …

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Nursery in 3D

Take a spin around the room!

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The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site will be closed from Saturday, May 25-Monday May 27 in observance of Memorial Day.


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